Beautiful Souls

Cures themselves with laughter
Heals themselves with love
Unflawed caring flows from their being
Cares not for the wrongs
For the righteous path is the only way

Beautiful souls
Like flowers they bloom in fresh health
Like birds they sail through the winds of happiness
Like birds they sail above clouds of hate and hurt
Minds fresh and free from prejudices
Inner eyes see no evil Inner ears hear no evil
The lips speaking life and love

Beautiful souls
Know no boundary, Know no race, Know no hurt
Their roots are sunk in love
They trust without questioning
Their love has no conditions

Beautiful souls
Love makes the world go round
Peace prevails when you are peaceful
Laughter has always and will always be the best medicine
Togetherness is oneness
Jealous is the mother of all turmoils
Stinginess is for those crippled in the mind

Beautiful souls
Hurt will take their beauty away
Sorrow will erode their happiness
Anger will destroy their peace and tranquillity
Hate will lead them to destruction
The world out there cares not for the purity of the soul!

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